Types of Assault Charges

Assault charges fall within the category of criminal accusations. If you’ve been charged with assault, you’re suspected of threatening another person’s physical safety or causing them injury. In most legal systems, a risk of physical harm must also be made to be deemed an assault. However, the statutes governing assault accusations may differ from one state to the next.

Types of Assault Charges
Types of Assault Charges

Types of Assault Charges

Assault charges can be brought against someone even if they did not brandish a weapon or commit an act of physical violence. This broad definition of assault encompasses a range of actions that are considered threatening or harmful. The punishments for different types of assault vary depending on the severity of the offense. The different types of assault charges include:

1. Verbal Assault Charges

In the U. S., this is among the most frequent type of assault against people. When someone threatens you orally, they are committing verbal assault. Assaults on the body are possible, but they need not happen simultaneously. Threats of bodily harm or even death might accompany verbal abuse. The psychological harm and stress caused by such trauma can be severe.

2. Simple Assault Charges

An elementary attack represents one of the most popular forms of assault. It’s a physical confrontation on the scale of a bump or starts grabbing to a riot, but no one is hurt, and no weapons are utilized.

Based on the abuse’s seriousness, misdemeanor or felony charges may be filed. When there is no requirement for incarceration and no trial is there, a magistrate can issue a “brief sentence,” which is a minor, severe type of guilty verdict. A more serious crime would be an indictable one, which requires formal court action. A criminal defense attorney’s knowledge and experience will be invaluable to you while you deal with assault accusations.

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3. Felony Assault Charges

Assault is considered a Felony of Third Degree if the accused offender deliberately, consciously, or carelessly interferes with the perpetrator’s quiet inhalation by placing force on the perpetrator’s chest or neck or by obstructing the perpetrator’s mouth or throat. The possible sentences for a third-degree felony vary from two to ten years in prison, with a maximum penalty of $10,000.

4. Weapon Assault Charges

When the action or risk of committing violence involves using firearms, it is considered an attack with a weapon. Assault with a deadly weapon might refer to a blade, pistol, or another weapon. The maximum sentence for guilty on this accusation is a decade in prison, depending on whether it is treated as three counts or a prosecutable offense.

5. Assault Causing Bodily Harm Charges

When a physical injury is done to another person, we say they were assaulted. As in, the culprit suffers visible injuries like a fractured jaw and black eye. Summary conviction prosecution can lead to a maximum sentence of 18 months behind bars. The suspect can select their preferred trial procedure if the crown chooses to charge. A decade in prison is a mandatory punishment for a prosecutable attack that results in physical injury.

6. Sexual Assault Charges

The sexual assault seems to be another frequent form of violence. This assault can arise whenever sexual contact is made without consent or want. Sexual abuse is among the most taboo forms, and it can be frightening for survivors to pursue financial restitution. Those harmed by sexual assault should contact a lawyer for representation, even though this is a delicate subject.

7. Aggravated Assault Charges

Serious accidents are indicative of an aggravated assault. In addition, the defendant must have caused severe injury to a person or caused the person’s life to be at risk. The crime of aggravated assault is one of the most severe possible. The criminal justice system consistently prosecutes it.

Different Assault Charges
Different Assault Charges
  • 1st Degree Aggravated Assault Charges

Assault is considered a 1st-degree crime, with maximum sentence of five to nine years in prison and fine of up to $10,000. A person commits an Aggravated Assault if they use a lethal weapon to commit an assault on a close relative, a public servant, or the other person. Or if they fire a handgun from a moving vehicle and injure someone.

  • 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault Charges

The offense of Aggravated Assault, as well as its potential consequences. Assault is considered a 2nd-degree crime if the offender acts with premeditation or utter disregard for the victim’s safety and produces significant bodily harm or employs or displays a lethal weapon. Second-degree felonies carry a maximum 10-thousand-dollar fine and a prison sentence of two years to two decades.

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Concluding Different Assault Charges

Contact a lawyer for assistance regardless of the attack you’ve suffered. Remember that a good lawyer desires to see you achieve the compensation you require and the punishment you receive. The urgency with which you get in touch is also crucial. Consult a lawyer regarding your legal rights and alternatives considering the attack. There may be a time constraint on when you can file a complaint of the attack and file a claim for injuries resulting from the attack.

As with the various forms of attack, the repercussions of committing an assault are as diverse. Punishments might include jail time, parole, penalties, and the inability to keep firearms for life if the offender is charged with a felony. On the other side, violence in a legal context might cause monetary settlements commensurate with the perpetrator’s degree of suffering, which may include healthcare costs, counseling, and other damages.


What is the penalty for class C Assault?

Assault in its mildest form becomes a Class C Misdemeanor. Assault is considered a Class C Misdemeanor, with a maximum fine of $500. Assault in this context occurs when one party makes physical contact with another while being aware, or reasonably expected to be aware, that such contact is insulting or provoking.

What does a conviction for Class A Assault entail?

Assault is also a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine. When a person deliberately, intentionally, or carelessly inflicts bodily harm on another, including the victim’s spouse, that person has committed the crime of assault. This assault skips right over Class B and goes straight to Class A.