Can You Bond Out On a Felony Charge?

Felony accusations have the power to devastate lives and shock society. The accusation can damage your reputation, future, and freedom alone. But everyone is presumed innocent by the law until and unless they are found guilty. In light of this, it is clear that there is no room for error when facing felony charges, whether you are defending your innocence or preparing for the worst.

Can You Bond Out On a Felony Charge?
Can You Bond Out On a Felony Charge?

Can One Get a Bail Bond on a Felony Charge?

When faced with a felony charge, the option of bonding out is generally available, but whether you are eligible or not depends on the specifics of your case and the laws in your jurisdiction.

When someone is accused of a felony, they are typically arrested and detained in jail until the outcome of their case. However, in many instances, the accused may be able to post bail, which is money paid to the court as a promise that the defendant will show up for their trial.

The amount of bail needed to be released from custody on a felony charge is typically higher than on a misdemeanor charge. It can change based on the seriousness of the offense, the defendant’s criminal history, and other factors. If the defendant is deemed a flight risk or a danger to the community, bail may occasionally be rejected entirely.

It’s crucial to remember that even if a defendant is granted bond relief from a felony charge, they will still have to appear in court to answer for their actions. If the defendant doesn’t show up for court, their bail may be revoked, new charges may be brought against them, and a warrant may even be issued.

Also Read: How Long Does a Felony Stay On Your Record?

Process of Bail for Felony Charges

Depending on the jurisdiction and the case’s particulars, the procedure for felony bail can vary. Still, generally speaking, it goes like this:


A person will be taken into police custody if they are detained on felony charges.


The person will be taken to a police station or jail for booking, which entails collecting personal data, taking pictures and fingerprints, and running a background check on criminal activity.

Bail Hearing

A judge will decide whether or not the accused is eligible for bail and, if so, how much bail should be set during a bail hearing.

Bail Amount

When determining the bail amount, the judge will consider factors like the seriousness of the charges, the defendant’s criminal history, and their likelihood of fleeing.

Posting Bail

The accused person or their representative may post bail using money, assets, or a bond if bail is approved.


The defendant will be released from custody once bail is posted. Still, they will be subject to certain restrictions, such as appearing in court when necessary and abstaining from criminal activity.

Court Appearances

If the case proceeds to court, the accused must appear at all court appearances associated with it, including the trial.

How to Get a Bond out on a Felony Charge?

Obtaining a bond for a felony charge can be a complex process that depends on several possible factors, including the crime charged, the defendant’s criminal history, and the court system handling the case. In general, you should take the following actions:

How to Get a Bond out on a Felony Charge?
Get a Bond out on a Felony Charge

1. Hire an attorney

If you haven’t done so already, you should find a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. They can represent your interests in court and assist you in navigating the legal system.

2. Show up for the bond hearing

Most of the time, a defendant will have a bond hearing 24 to 48 hours after arrest. This hearing establishes the defendant’s bond eligibility as well as the amount. Your lawyer can argue on your behalf to obtain a lighter or no bond at all.

3. Provide collateral

If you or your loved one is granted a bond, you may need to provide collateral to ensure that you show up for future court appearances. This could include cash, property, or a bond from a bail bondsman.

4. Observe the bond conditions

It’s crucial to abide by all court-imposed requirements if you or a loved one is released on bond, including appearing at all court dates, staying within the area, and refraining from contacting victims or witnesses.

If Someone is not Eligible to Bond Out on a Felony Charge?

Suppose someone is not qualified to post bond on a felony charge. In that case, they cannot be released from custody before trial or a plea hearing unless their eligibility situation changes. This can happen for several reasons, including:

The severity of the charge

Some felonies carry penalties that are so severe that the defendant cannot be released on bond. For instance, in some states, no bond may be permitted in cases of capital murder or certain drug offenses.

The defendant’s financial situation

Even if the defendant meets all other requirements, they might not be allowed to post bond if they cannot pay the amount set by the court.

The defendant’s criminal history

A judge may decide that a defendant poses too significant a risk of fleeing or a danger to the community to allow their release on bond if they have a history of criminal behavior, particularly violent crimes or failure to appear in court.

In cases where defendants are not eligible for bond, they will remain in custody until their trial or plea hearing. They may have the opportunity to petition the court for a bond hearing or to have their eligibility status reviewed, but the outcome will depend on the specific circumstances of their case.

Understanding the difference between a felony vs misdemeanor charge is crucial, especially when it comes to determining whether or not you can bond out on a felony charge.


Can someone on bond be around a felon?

A felon is not prohibited from doing it by any laws. Before posting someone’s bail, we advise you to speak with your lawyer or parole officer. It is acceptable for someone who has been convicted of a felony to free another person on bail.

Can you get a PR bond for a felony in Texas?

If the defendant has not been charged with a crime after serving 90 days in jail, they are typically eligible for a personal bond when facing felony charges.

What is the bond for a first-degree felony in Texas?

The bond amount for a first-degree felony offense in Texas varies depending on the particular case and the defendant’s criminal history. A first-degree felony offense typically carries a bond of $10,000 to $100,000 or more.